Monday Message 9/9/2024

John Moseley

Monday Message 9/9/2024


Practice Schedule Changes

Please make sure you are refering to the updated Fall Practice Schedule for your swimmer's practices.

We do not have any changes to the practice schedule this week.


Annual Parent Meeting

We will have our Annual Parent Meeting on Saturday, September 21.  This meeting will take place at 10:00 AM at the Jones Center.  We will discuss the upcoming season and answer any questions.  We will have a couple of  breakout sessions.  More information will be provided in next week’s Monday Message.


Equipment for Practice

It is extremely important that your swimmer has the necessary equipment at all practices.  With our younger groups, we have waited to start using this equipment until everyone is able to get it.  We will start using this equipment this week.  If you are unsure of what equipment your swimmer needs, please look at the AquaHawgs Equipment List.  Equally as important, please make sure your swimmer’s equipment fits correctly.


Jones Center Membership

The Jones Center requires all AquaHawgs to have an Ultimate Membership.  Make sure your membership is active and that your swimmer is scanning in everyday.  They have also asked everyone to update their pictures on the memberships.  Please stop by the Jones Center Member Services Desk to update your picture over the next few weeks.


USA Swimming Membership

You are now able to renew your 2025 USA Swimming Membership.  This is done through the USA Swimming website.  If you signed up for a USA Swimming Flex Membership (USA Swimming Membership with only 2 Swim Meets), we recommend waiting until you have used both of your meets to renew your Flex Membership.