The Razorback Aquatic Club (RAC) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that focuses on the sport of swimming.  We support our community by developing swim skills at all levels.  Our club is dedicated to the development of athletes through our competitive swim team, the AquaHawgs.  Since 1986, RAC has served the needs of area swimmers from developmental instruction to age-group competition, and national and international experience levels.

RAC also develops basic swim skills and physical fitness through our HawgStart  Swim School to help new swimmers achieve basic swim and water safety competency, along with skills to develop a healthy lifestyle.

Our Mission is to teach swimming fundamentals, good sportsmanship, and the skills needed for a lifetime of health and enjoyment through the sport of swimming. While providing a safe and encouraging environment for all swimmers.

One Team ♦ One Vision ♦ One Kid at a Time